Whew! What a crazy couple of months....
First off, October. In October we had Summit in Thies. Summit is a 2 day meeting to talk about projects and to get a little more training. Honestly I thought it was going to be a huge waste of time, but it was actually really great and I kind of confirmed what i want to do for the next year and a half. I had to make my action plan and I am really excited about the kind of projects I have coming up. More on those later. After Summit we celebrated Halloween. Each region kind of takes over a holiday-- Tamba has Halloween. It was the best Halloween ever. Me and 2 friends dressed as tetris pieces. Really cute idea until the house got packed with 200 people. The costumes lasted about 15 minutes. All in all, great start to my vacation in AMERICA!
In November I headed home to celebrate Thanksgiving and go to Disney World. It was amazing and just what I needed. I ate so much, slept so much, and just relaxed. Not going to lie, I had a brief moment when I asked myself how important it was for me to go back. Thanks Mom and Dad for making the best vacation ever happen! Love ya'll so much.
So now we are in December and I can hardly believe it. It has finally cooled off a bit. I am actually wearing a long sleeve shirt right now! Last night I slept with no fans on! Crazy. Last week I went to eye clinic in Bakel. Doctors from the organization Right to Sight and Health came in to do cataract surgeries. It was really exhausting, but totally worth it. Peace Corps volunteers were there to assist in translating, take vision tests, schedule surgeries, etc. It was really rewarding to see someone for a vision test, see them in pre op, then see them the next day and their eyesight is so much better. It was a great way to transition back into Senegal.
Now I am heading back to village to have a couple meetings, visit some new neighbors from the newest Ag stage, and catch up on some reading. Speaking of reading, I am in the third book of the Hunger Games series and WOW, just WOW. Such great page-turner reading. That Suzanne Collins knows how to spin a tale. Check it out if you haven't. And while you are at the bookstore, pick up a Christmas card for your favorite Peace Corps volunteer!
Lastly, check out this video. Tamba volunteers are putting together a marathon for girls education and we are trying to get Ellen and Oprah to come. No seriously. Send the link to everyone you know! This is one of those times you dont have to resist sending mail to everyone in your contacts list. K thanks bye!
Who run the world? GIRLS!